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If you work with the small version (HALVE_SIZE) then you can follow the
steps written in the tutorial exactly. But if you want to use the full size
(NORMAL_SIZE) version, you have to change the path names from
wftut:halve_size/ ind wftut:normal_size/. Further on you have to use the
sizes and coordinates written in [].

Your actions are written in {} brackets.

Both animations we are dealing with consits of 60 frames each. So the
timedependent coordinates end with 60 for the last frame.

First of all start Wildfire.

{wf <enter>}

Afterwards open the preferences window.


Change to the paths-selector.


Use the following paths:

{ANIMATIONS  wftut:halve_size/results/}
{PICTURES    wftut:halve_size/frames/}

Save the preferences.

{CLOSE Filenames/Drawers}
{SAVE Prefs}
{CLOSE Prefs}

Now all needed selections are made, so lets come to  Part 1 .